Introduction To Ministry Course

Sign up for access to the course: Cost is $35.00.

The reason for the charge is that if it costs you something, then you will perform the work in the course. The cost of this course will be used to fund the ministry of good news of Jesus Christ. There will be no refunds consider it an offering to the gospel. This class will take a total of approximately 6 hours 40 minutes to complete.

Get access to course: $35.00

Instructor: Martin Williams

Click on each module to access class. Enter the password. Click enter. Repeat for each Module 1 to 20.

Module 1: Plan Of God

Module 2: Creation

Module 3: Dominion

Module 4: Marriage

Module 5: Fall of man

Module 6: Cross of Christ

Module 7: Law VS. Grace

Module 8: 3 Elements of salvation

Module 9: What happens at point of salvation

Module 10: Four Stages of spirit

Module 11: Cost of discipleship

Module 12: Spirit power living class

Module 13: Call of God the great commission

Module 14: Ministry of Service

Module 15: Minister exercising authority

Module 16: Minister discerning spirits

Module 17: Minister moving in spirit

Module 18: Minister pray, preach and worship

Module 19: How to study the bible

Module 20: Tithing

Understanding the Bible in 100 scriptures and concepts (Systematic chronology layout)